Finding our WAY BACK to wholeness in a world that has forgotten how…


Through the years, many famous leaders, writers, and philosophers have meditated on “What is the good life?” While there are many answers the world tries to give, one truth stands out. Ultimately, we humans need three things to thrive in this life: someone to love, something to do, and something to believe in. By finding the way back to ourselves—the way God intended us to be—and cultivating these three things through our actions, creativity, and spiritual growth, we can find meaning and peace again. And then, most beautifully, give this gift to the ones we lead, love, and create for.


It has been said that change in our world starts around the dinner table. It’s also true that we can’t change the world until we do the hard work in ourselves as spiritual, emotional, and creative beings first. The way we go out into the world—be it in our homes, offices, schools, churches, and communities—affects future generations. Let’s learn how to grow spiritually, emotionally, and creatively together so we can, as Gandhi famously said, “Be the change we want to see in the world.” The more connected and embodied we are, the better equipped we become to be a people of welcome and belonging.


We were created to create. Creating was the first thing God did when he chose to place the world into motion. And as his Imago Dei, the “image of God,” we are called to join him in his creation as we lead, love, and live. We are also storied creatures who need purpose, beauty, and creativity to thrive. And EVERYONE is a faithful creative—whether they believe it or not. Our journeys inward, through creativity and connection to nature, ourselves, and each other make us better people—and this helps make the world a more beautiful place. As Dostoevsky once penned, “Beauty will save the world.” We think he was right. Come join us in this journey.


Kimberly Phinney

writer, professor, counselor, & editor

VIKTOR FRANKL, Man’s Search for Meaning

“One should not search for an abstract meaning of life. Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life to carry out a concrete assignment which demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is as unique as is his specific opportunity to implement it.”


“I founded The Way Back to Ourselves because I was searching for home. I was longing for wholeness and connection in a world that had gone loud. I was looking for an authenticity and a beauty that our fast-paced modern world no longer offered. I wanted to find myself again—to go back to the start and uncover the soul God had fashioned complete in him so long ago. And I had a feeling you were looking for those things, too.”

Buy Kimberly Phinney’s best-selling debut poetry collection, Of Wings & Dirt, out now wherever books are sold and on Amazon.

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