FEATURED: Flowers in My Belly and Other Poems
by Deidre Braley
You tell me to have fire
in my belly and I search for flames,
or at least a whiff
of smoke
but it seems to have
gone out and, from its ashes
flowers have burst forth
a combustion of color
from a carpet of dusted embers
the merry things wave,
hardly concerned
for anything but beauty
with a capital B.
You tell me to have fire
in my belly, but I can only find
flowers there;
can I hand you a poppy
and call that Love,
I pant; I almost
drool, so enthralled am I
to discover that
on this Tuesday morning—with
its frustrations and
limitations, its borders of
boredom like all
Tuesdays before—on
this day
your words
l e v i t a t e
they lift off the page
and rise to meet
me, not just in color, but
in fully-formed
could it be
that the long-cold curse
is melting?
And how long now before
you appear, old friend?
You loom on my horizon of
consciousness; I tremble at such
tremendous promise.
I am a child, nose pressed
against the windowpane
of Heaven.
Even your shadow
puts flowers in my belly
and oh, good God:
I’d almost forgotten
here in this dark night
how blossoms of the fourth dimension
can exist in such brilliant
Deidre Braley is a freelance writer and editor who lives in Maine with her husband, Ethan, and their children, Theodore, Vivian, and Alden. She is author of The Second Cup, a weekly blog that encourages women to blow past the small talk and get to the good stuff. Deidre serves as the Editorial Content Director at The Truly Co., and has been published in their publication, along with The Joyful Life Magazine, Aletheia Today, and others. Her poem, "Not Lost or Looking," will be published in Maine Women Magazine. Her debut chapbook, The Shape I Take, is out now with Bottlecap Press.