Hold the Divine
by Mariana Mosli
like a picnic blanket
spread wide in anticipation
of the feast to come
i too stretch myself
to hold the unraveling
and the coming together
of all that is divine
my edges may strain
under the weight of it all
but i am surprised
at the multitudes i can contain
a Poppins bag of endless depth
yet it is not the filling
that i seek
but the emptied space
the crisp inviting void
to hold the divine
the undone and the coming together
for His glory
Mariana Herrera Mosli, a celebrated photographer, has dedicated fifteen years to capturing the rich cultural diversity of the world. As a Cuban-American writer and English as a Second Language speaker, she intertwines her passion for art, literature, and theology into her spiritual journey, crafting a vivid tapestry of life experiences. Her writing serves as a bridge between the secular and the sacred. Drawing from her battles with mental health and the complexities of motherhood, she writes for those on the fringes, the misunderstood, in the overlooked sphere where Jesus met her. She aspires to delve into the crossroads of affective science and theology, aiming to contribute to the fields through her personal experiences and future literary works, all for God’s glory.