Nature Study and Other Poems
by Bre Strobel
August has a golden hue—
all goldenrod, sunflower,
and sunlight slant
in the light-drenched magic hour.
Ripe tomatoes and succulents bloom;
everything is overgrown,
yet we leave it alone.
Leaves burn crimson
before their fall,
reminding us an ending
can still be beautiful.
Pink-dappled blue sky,
like a memory
of a summer treat
reflected in a window, glares.
December’s solstice clouds
make you stop and stare–
I was there.
Green growing
up through last fall’s
overgrown weeds,
even though it’s only
February in Minnesota.
I, too, am all confusion
as new growth takes
over the landscape
of my life.
I wonder:
Will what grows now
be buried again?
Maybe hope unfurls
like a fern
in the dirt
after patiently waiting
under silt and snow:
resting curled,
reaching slowly
from the shade
toward the sun.
You will not burn out,
dear one. Do not hide
your softest light.
Let yourself be
an ember,
at times burning bright
when your flame is fanned,
and sometimes a glow
low and warm
for those
who draw close.
Bre Marie Strobel is a homeschool mom married to her high school sweetheart, writing from her home in St. Paul, Minnesota. She writes personal narrative and reflections on faith and culture on her Substack titled Being Beloved. You can follow Bre on Instagram where she writes actively about faith, creativity, culture, and being beloved: @brestrobel.