One Spark
by Blake Ofstedal
We weren’t created to live like this
Animals in a cage of our own design
Our bodies with products chemically
Designed to simulate the happiness
We’ve forgotten how to create
Entire economies around wounding
The only known life-bearing world
In this inexplicably large universe
At tiny glowing rectangles and squares
While the miracle of evolution that our souls inhabit
Withers into oblivion
For a life jacket of tactility
As the never-ending rip current of ones and zeros
Pull us further and further from
Our spiritual connection with this majestic geoid
We don’t have to live like this
Animals in an ignorance of our own design
And we won’t
Our species, in all its flawed beauty,
Has the unique ability to absorb and evolve
An intrinsic voracity for processing information
Precipitating constant cycles of destruction
And restoration
Much like a bolt of intense energy fires down from the heavens
Razing thousands of acres of mature forest and
Leaving in its wake, the vital nutrients and
Latitude for the sun’s nourishing rays to penetrate
And create anew
Our collective enlightenment needs but a spark
That lands and takes hold
So keep sparking.
Blake Ofstedal has been writing creatively for most of his life, but he decided to delve into the world of poetry earlier this year. He does most of his writing in the solace of the wilderness, which is reflected in the transcendentalist and naturalist themes running through his work. You can follow Blake @BlakeTypeWrites on Instagram, where he displays new pieces on his 1952 Smith Corona Silent typewriter.