Open Up and Other Poems
by Sarah Steele
Open up your curtains;
let the sun shine in.
Your body and your soul will feel
the grace now to begin.
Open up your windows;
let the cool breeze blow.
This world around you has great need
of the gifts you will bestow.
Open up your front door
and with it, too, your heart.
You need us like we need you,
showing love in just your hue;
community is overdue.
Don't hesitate; just start!
I dig—
little finger scratches dirt,
throws in seed,
and waits for growth.
I wait—
greedy heart searches dirt,
uncovers seed,
and finds no growth.
I find—
impatient gardener easily bores,
kicks soft ground,
despises growth.
• • • • •
He digs—
divine fingers scoop out dirt,
press in seed,
and bury deep.
He waits—
patient heart expects the rains,
welcomes heat,
and culls the weeds.
He finds—
knowing Gardener gently tends,
prepares to prune,
and spies
a shoot.
Sarah Steele is a poet and lifelong teacher. These days, that looks like leading her four lively redheads in their Michigan homeschool and engaging with students of all ages in poetry workshops, watercolor classes, nature studies, Bible discussions, and neighborhood book clubs. You can find Sarah’s poems in many publications, including The Way Back to Ourselves, where she is an editor. She has published two alphabet books with her graphic designer husband (yes, also a redhead). Her first book for grownups, a poetry memoir about people-pleasing and boundaries called An Ocean Without, is available now! You can find her on her website