The Pieces of Me
by Mary Kurnik
They are scattered on the floor,
the pieces of me.
A puzzle left behind,
the pieces of me.
The people I love don’t recognize
the pieces of me.
My gaze takes in and tries to gather,
the pieces of me.
Not all pieces will become
the new pieces of me.
Now, the new pieces fit together
In 2023, three years after being seriously injured in a head-on collision, the medical doctor I relied on the most said, “There is nothing more I can do for you. This is the way you’re going to be.” My eyes filled with tears. I had a choice to make. So, I held my faith even tighter than before and thought, “I am going to be better than I used to be!”
I wrote this poem the next day.
I wondered in that season what life would look like. What would I keep of myself and what would I let go? Hidden in tremendous pain, grief, and loneliness, there was a gift of an unexpected Second Birthday, as I like to refer to the day of my accident. On that day, I was given a gift: the ability to use this tragedy for good and give God all the glory.
Mary lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband, John. She has a bachelor’s degree in Secondary English Education from the University of South Florida. Mary homeschooled both of her children, taught at two homeschool co-ops and at a private Christian school where she also volunteered. Her writings have been featured in The Old Schoolhouse magazine and the Florida Parent Educator Association’s Connect Magazine.
She is currently working on a children’s book series and has a love of horses, reading, writing, traveling, and exploring nature.
Mary can be found on Instagram and Facebook @marykurnikauthor.