That Love, That Beautiful Love
by Troy McLaughlin
Remember the Creation Story?
You know, the one with Adam and Eve,
traipsing around Eden—
eating, living, loving, walking with God?
But then things go awry:
trust broken,
alliances broken,
relationships broken.
The earth as we know it, broken.
All busted up!
Why even go down this path?
If God knew it was going to end so badly,
why even bother?
Why let the train wreck happen?
Why not avoid the pain,
and suffering
and not even try?
Why? Why? Why?
Maybe because it’s locked up
in this thing we call Love.
But not love with the little “l.”
No, the love with the big “L.”
The Love that’s inexhaustible—
doesn’t ever quit or lose hope.
It doesn’t even keep score,
persevering through all trials.
It never betrays,
always responds with kindness,
and never ever fails.
That Love, that Beautiful Love is the why.
That Love, that Beautiful Love is the way.
David Wilcox’s “Show Me the Way,” said it best:
“It is love who mixed the mortar.
And it's love who stacked these stones.
And it's love who made the stage here,
although it looks like we're alone.
In this scene, set in shadows,
like the night is here to stay.
There is evil cast around us,
but it's love that wrote the play.
For in this darkness love can show the way.”
So, even in our present darkness,
that Beautiful Love, always shows the way:
inexhaustible, never-failing, always persevering.
That Love, that Beautiful Love,
restores and beckons us home.
Troy Mclaughlin is a husband, dad, papa, and friend. He is the podcast host of This Undivided Life. He is a writer, enjoys photography, and loves to travel with his wife.