The Rock
by A.M. Everett
He set my feet upon the rock,
And to this rock I cling.
Through stormy gale or waters still;
Whate’re His hand might bring.
Dark, though the night resolves to be,
And loud the mocking calls.
Still, firm the Rock beneath my feet,
To neither slip nor fall.
He told me, “Take my burden light,
My yolk easy to bear.”
So fling off, I, this terrible weight,
And find such comfort there.
Should sorrow soon upon me come,
Or any kindness fall,
His hand I know in every hour,
Has wisely given all.
On what else might I place my faith,
To whom entrust all mine?
No other Rock is there but He,
Who has the words of life!
And when in glorious rest I wake,
And gaze upon what’s passed.
No strength of mine secured me there,
‘Twas He that held me fast.
Beholding there the beauty of,
My rock for endless days.
Struggling no more yet clinging still,
In freedom and in praise.
A.M. Everett is a disability and homeschool mom of three. After serving on the mission field for four years, A.M.’s family recently moved to their new station in Oregon. Fully devoted and enjoying the role as Pastor’s wife and mom, A.M. uses writing and poetry as a way to convey the quiet prayers of her heart through all seasons of life. Author of children’s book, Because Jesus Was There, A.M. desires to share the love of Jesus through everything she does.
Instagram: @am.everett