To the Daffodil Growing in the Shade of the Cypress Tree and Other Poems
by Carreen Raynor
to the daffodil growing in the shade of the cypress tree:
lift up your head, dearheart—
the yellow sun, whose image
glows within you,
is warming my back at
this very moment;
he is pushing back the veil
of shadows; i believe
he will not stop until you,
too, have seen his face.
maple dryad
in six months each finger will turn
scarlet; even so, these hands spread
in blessing: ‘be born, be born, be…’
after emily dickinson
one day when your tender heart is older
and tired of the beating world,
i hope you find yourself
within a yellow meadow;
i hope you reach out your hand
to pluck a flower with a darkened
heart; i hope that when you open your fingers
you find within your grasp a tiny
thing with feathers, a tiny thing
with eyes that shine
exactly like yours do
Carreen Raynor is a California transplant now writing poetry and (occasionally) prose from the PNW. As a mother of two and an erstwhile humanities teacher, her work is reflective of the literature that forms her, the nature that surrounds her, and the motherhood that commands her. Carreen's writing has been featured by Ekstasis Magazine, The CiRCE Institute, and The Fallow House.