Glass All Around Her
by Matthew Nash
They say, just sit still.
Don’t try and break glass ceilings.
Be content to listen and not speak.
But there is a stirring in her soul
and a burning in her bones
that needs to be spoken—be lived.
She’d rather have glass all around her
than protect how it’s always been.
There is room at the table for all,
room for her voice
like a light shining in the darkness,
preaching what she’s living,
never to sit still again.
Matt is a writer, spiritual director, and former missionary in Rwanda. Matt has been published in Good Words for the Young: A Children’s Devotional, which is centered around the writings of George MacDonald. He is working on his first book, The Joy of Disruption, which will be published in 2025. Matt spent almost 30 years as a pastor and church planting trainer and recently founded Kardia Community, which provides soul care and spiritual formation for people. Matt has written for Church Planter Magazine and is a current ambassador and writer for Ekstasis Magazine. He is also a contributor and ambassador for The Way Back to Ourselves. Matt lives with his wife Jeana and their daughter in San Diego and enjoys reading, traveling, and getting out to nature as much as he can living in the city. You can find Matt on Instagram @matthewnash1 and on his Substack at He writes about soul care, grief, mental health, and spiritual formation.