When Rainbows Disappear
by Stephanie Nygaard
When rainbows disappear
in winter, they are
hibernating in halcyon days,
their mind’s eye suspended
in sun-mist and meadow
with colors dimmed for a time
while fallow fields have
a moment of
ice and sparkle.
Rainbows are not greedy or jealous.
They will unravel
splendor, born again
to beam
for midwestern spring
when it is their turn.
Stephanie Nygaard lives in Illinois with her husband and three daughters. She spends her days homeschooling, reading, writing, and noticing glimpses of God through nature. Stephanie’s first collection of poetry, Beautiful Glimpse, was published through Amazon in November 2023. In addition, her writing and other creative offerings can be found at Calla Press Publishing, Wallflower Journal, The Way Back to Ourselves, Black Barn Online, Instagram @handwritten_by_stephanie, and Substack @handwrittenbystephanie.substack.com.