Joel 2:25

by Heather Lobe Johnson

JOEL 2:25

by Heather Lobe Johnson

If these are the years

of the locusts, how will You

restore them, O Lord?

As the swarms come and 

consume all life in their path, 

we watch and we weep.

Locusts eat the soft

underbelly of leaves, strip 

away the tissue.

And here I am in

my locust years, the soft parts

of my heart tender.

The diagnosis 

is chronic. The heart is cracked 

open. Death is here.

And yet… You promise.

You will restore the years the

locusts have eaten.

What does it look like

to hope? What can I count on

at the end of me?

This I know- You’re here.

You hold me. And You promise 

this is not the end. 

I hold onto hope,

that one day You will somehow 

restore the worst parts,

You will redeem this

story far beyond my view

now. I hope in You.



Heather Lobe Johnson is a writer and speaker who believes God can redeem the most broken parts of our stories. She hosts the Take These Ashes podcast, which explores broken relationships, grief, forgiveness, anger, trauma, and how God’s redemption often looks different than what we pray or hope to see.

Heather is a mama to two sweet boys, loves the mountains, and is writing one haiku a day this year.

Most of her work can be found on IG and she’d love to connect with you there (@heatherlobejohnson).


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