Blood Relations

by Amber North


Twelve years of suffering

From a continuous flow of blood

Twelve years of being

Devoid of the simplest touch

Twelve years of seeking

A permanent cure

Twelve years of hearing

Disappointment in her ear

Lost cause


Forever a troubled soul

Must have been the lies she’s been repeatedly told

Contemplate her hardship

Not knowing if she’ll ever

See joy again

Separated from God’s kin

But not all’s what it seems

For then emerged a Man

Unlike any physician

She’s ever seen

She heard of His name before

Miracle Worker



She had enough faith to draw nearer

Reached for the edge

Of His cloak

For she had faith that it was enough

To rectify her woes

And before she knew it

Revitalization touched her soul

But in ways she couldn’t imagine

For not only was she cured

The blood ceasing to flow

But she was redeemed

By the blood of divine reconciliation

No longer estranged from God’s covenant people

Forever secured as the daughter of her Saviour

This woman now steps boldly

Into her new identity in Christ

She finally found a remedy

That will eternally suffice  


Amber North is a poet, and an English Literature student from Montreal, Canada. She has loved creative writing from a very young age and has developed a love for poetry in recent years.

Her work has been published in school publications, and she has written an article for the Power to Change Students blog.

She loves being able to mix her faith in Jesus with her passion for creative writing. 

You can find Amber on Instagram: ambersn_creative_writing_


For Jim


Joel 2:25