Sight + Sound
by Clare Weigel
No one tells you.
No one says how Light does more than reveal.
Light splinters and cracks.
Ideals turn to ash.
Sight slows.
Dreams shift.
No one tells you.
No one says how Dark does more than consumes.
Dark surrounds and evens the field.
Senses blur.
Sound heightens.
Plans reassess.
Cannot Light and Dark impart sorrow and truth at the same time?
As two senses fade, how the wind roars and the sea soothes.
Time’s slow passing is a torturous reminder of unanswered questions.
Time’s frantic pace taunts as I scramble to find the right path.
I once would have laughed an age ago at such senses.
I learned.
I stumbled through the dark.
I shied away from slivers of illumination.
I shut out whispers of words.
I stood up.
I opened my eyes.
I listened.
I faced the truth of myself.
I learned one sense alone cannot be relied upon.
I wove threads of past and present to see the woven tapestry itself throughout time.
I knew the future before me:
beautiful, strained, hopeful, unsure, and patient.
I looked to the One for whom all plans culminate and blessings flow.
Now, I know my limit.
Soon, I venture past such things.
Then, I set forth on the road before me.
Clare Weigel is a Marketing & Communications Coordinator working in DEI and disability advocacy. She is currently completing her thesis for her master’s degree from Georgetown University. As a deafblind woman, Clare seeks to advocate and offer a perspective on life with tunnel vision through the written word, media content, and photography.