For Jim
by A.M. Everett
Your lips were not meant for the quiet life.
You were born to speak hope into toil and strife.
No matter the cost and whatever the price,
Your lips were not meant for the quiet life.
Your feet were not formed for the easy way.
They were built to trudge boldly through quag and clay.
Walking alongside those once gone astray,
Your feet were not formed for the easy way.
Your arms were not made to cling to what fades,
But to lay hold of promises given through grace,
And to carry the weak ones with courage and strength.
Your arms were not made to cling to what fades.
Your heart was not fashioned for meaningless love,
For to it were whispered the mysteries of
Something immeasurable waiting above.
Your heart was not fashioned for meaningless love.
You were not made for this world, my dear,
But in every temptation and trial and fear,
He’s bidding you home where it all will be clear
That you were not made for this world, my dear.
A.M. Everett is a disability, and homeschool mom of 3. After living in S Asia for four years, her family is transitioning into a church leadership role in Oregon. Her hobbies include writing, watercolor painting, and listening to audiobooks while doing the dishes. Author of children’s book, Because Jesus Was There, A.M. desires to share the love of Jesus through everything she does.